
Top 10 Winter Cleaning Tips

Top 10 Winter Cleaning Tips

 | SeasonalCleaning Tips

We all know about spring cleaning, but cleaning can be done any time of year no matter what the season. Get a jump start on spring cleaning this year and start with some winter cleaning tips from O-Cedar®.

Winter Cleaning Tip #1: Safeguard Your Delicate Tableware
After the holiday entertainment has ended, it’s time for some winter clean-up.

  • Carefully pack away your good tableware and other serving dishes that are only used during the holidays or on special occasions.
  • Use bubble wrap, tissue paper or even paper plates and coffee filters between stacked dishes to prevent scratching.
  • If you have any spring or summer themed dining dishes, now is the time to pull those out so they are ready to use for the upcoming seasons.

Winter Cleaning Tip #2: Winterize Your Entryway
Place a door mat outside your door, preferably one that is rough like wood or rubber. This type of texture makes wiping off snow, salt and mud easy. Inside, do the same, except select an absorbent mat to soak up any moisture from shoes left by the front door.

Winter Cleaning Tip #3: Deep Clean Pots and Pans
Between Thanksgiving and the end of the year festivities, your pots and pans may have taken a toll, especially if you hosted any celebrations. Give your pots, pans and oven-safe cooking dishes a good scrub down. A little elbow grease goes a long way, not to mention you will be getting a great arm workout. Don’t forget tea kettles and coffee pots too! Simply soak pots, pans and cookie sheets in hot to boiling water with a sprinkle of baking soda. Let sit for a few minutes then thoroughly scrub with a sponge or dish scrubber. Rinse and let air dry.

Winter Cleaning Tip #4: Rotate Bedroom Mattresses
Whether you flip your mattress or rotate it, make sure you do so once a quarter or at least twice a year. While you are moving mattresses around, take your vacuum cleaner extensions and vacuum your mattress too. Between dust, dirt and dead skin cells, your mattress needs to be cleaned up from time to time.

Winter Cleaning Tip #5: Clean Out Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen cabinets need to be cleaned out and wiped down on occasion, so take advantage of those blustery winter weekends and get some winter cleaning done in the kitchen. Remove all contents from your kitchen cupboards, wipe down all of the shelves and toss anything that may be expired.

Bonus Tip: Spices and seasonings expire after about one year’s time, so if you have any spices or seasonings that are older than a year, it’s time to toss!

Winter Cleaning Tip #6: Clean and Wax Wooden Floors
Winter is the perfect time to clean all of your hard surfaced floors, including wood floors, and give them a good wax. Seasonal waxing and buffing will keep floors looking brand new and shining all year long!

Winter Cleaning Tip #7: Dust Chandeliers, Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans
Good lighting can really warm up the look and feel of your home, especially during the winter months, so grab a step ladder and give all of your lights, lamps, lampshades, overhead lighting and ceiling fan panels a good dusting.

Winter Cleaning Tip #8: Go Through Closets
A cold winter weekend is the perfect time to go through all of your clothing closets. A few helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • If you have not worn a particular piece of clothing in one year, it’s time to donate it.
  • If anything needs sewing, mending or a quick trip to the dry cleaners, make a plan to take care of those before the new season.
  • If you are feeling extra motivated and decide to clean out the coat closets, match up mittens, fold scarves and and stack hats neatly in wicker baskets for easy access.

Winter Cleaning Tip #9: Winterize Boots
Clean winter boots and thoroughly spray them with protectant. If they need repairs, take them to the shoe repair store or if they are in need of a good shine, pick up some shoe polish to rid your beautiful boots of any nicks and scratches.

Winter Cleaning Tip #10: Clean Throw Blankets and Pillows
There is nothing better than snuggling up with a good book and a cozy throw blanket on a cold winter’s night. Use a cold winter’s day to wash all throw blankets and spot clean any decorative pillows if needed. Don’t forget to check the living room and all bedrooms for any spare blankets that may need an extra washing after hosting family and friends during the holidays.

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