
Cleaning With Microfiber

Cleaning With Microfiber

FEBRUARY 15, 2024 | Cleaning Tips, Innovation, Updates

Whether raising a family or hosting friends and neighbors for a shared meal, creating a home that is clean and comfortable is important. Stocking up on cleaning essentials like O-Cedar PACS Hard Floor Cleaner and Scrunge® are vital to a clean home, but when it comes to keeping a clean and comfortable home, we think the O-Cedar® microfiber mops are one of the most important cleaning tools you can have. Here’s why.

O-Cedar® Microfiber Mops Remove 99% of Bacteria* with Just Water


O-Cedar® Microfiber Mops Remove 99% of Bacteria* with Just Water

O-Cedar’s line of microfiber mops, from our ProMist MAX Microfiber Spray Mop to our innovative EasyWring RinseClean Spin Mop System and our TikTok-famous EasyWring Spin Mop System all feature microfiber mop heads.

Microfiber mop heads are made up of millions of tiny synthetic fibers. When used with water, all of these tiny fibers loosen and physically pick up dirt and bacteria. Over 99% of bacteria is removed with just water and without the use of harsh cleaning chemicals.

When it comes to traditional mopping, soap and water are most often used. The soap breaks down the dirt and grime, while the water on the mop head carries the mess away. Pretty simple, right? Not really.

Think about it. The fibers in a traditional cotton mop head are all relatively large and spaced out, which means the fibers can potentially pass over dirt and grime, ultimately missing parts of the mess. This means you are either left with a stubborn mess or you are left putting in a lot of extra effort to ensure the mess is scrubbed away entirely.

However, microfiber’s literal micro fibers are tiny enough to capture even the smallest particles. For the cleanest clean, pair with O-Cedar PACS Hard Floor Cleaner, a 97% naturally-derived cleaner that uses the power of enzymes to break down stubborn dirt and grime, dissolving it away.

Now you may be wondering, “It sounds too good to be true. I don’t understand how that’s possible. I still have questions!” Don’t worry, we have compiled a list of the top questions we receive about our microfiber mops so you can rest assured that your home is getting the best clean possible.




Will the microfibers remove bacteria from any surface? What about hardwood floors?
We tested the microfiber mops on the two most common household flooring surfaces, prefinished hardwood flooring and ceramic tiles and we concluded that the O-Cedar® microfiber mops can be used on most hard flooring surfaces including hardwood, tile and laminate. However, if you are unsure how microfibers will perform on your home’s floors, always conduct a test run in a small, hidden area first.

Does microfiber kill all bacteria?
No, cleaning your floors with microfiber and just water does not kill bacteria. Rather it removes over 99% of bacteria*. The tiny microfibers physically loosen and pick up dirt and bacteria, and carry it away, without the use of harsh chemicals.

For a more powerful clean, we suggest pairing with a floor cleaner, such as O-Cedar PACS Hard Floor Cleaner, which uses naturally derived enzymes to break down dirt molecules.

Will the microfiber mop pads disinfect my floors?
Disinfecting implies that you are killing bacteria. Microfibers do not kill bacteria, they simply remove it from your home’s floors.

Fact: We tested the removal of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, two of the most common bacteria found in homes and we are proud to report the microfiber removed both types of bacteria with just tap water. *The tap water we used in testing meets the Safe Drinking Water Act guidelines.


Where does the bacteria go once I’ve picked it up?
Once the bacteria are picked up by the microfibers, they remain on the mop head until the mop head is washed or rinsed off. Our independent accredited lab testing showed no carry of bacteria when wiping a rinsed head onto a sterile surface. Another win!

Can I wash the microfiber mop heads? What about using bleach or fabric softener?
Yes, the microfiber mop heads can be washed and reused. For best results, wash in warm water by hand or simply toss in the washing machine. Your choice! Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as bleach can seriously degrade the quality of the microfibers, while fabric softener can coat the tiny microfibers, ultimately making them less effective. Once washed, lay flat to dry.


Will the bacteria removal properties eventually wear out or fade over time?
During the course of normal use (assuming you wash your mop head once a week) the cleaning performance of the microfibers will stay the same. However, we recommend replacing your mop head once it’s worn out and always keeping extras on hand.

Can I use cleaning chemicals?
When mopping with an O-Cedar EasyWring or EasyWring RinseClean Spin Mop System we recommend O-Cedar PACS Hard Floor Cleaner. Using the cleaning power of enzymes, O-Cedar PACS are safe on all hard floors and are tiny paw and little feet friendly!

How often should I replace my microfiber mop refill?
We recommend replacing your microfiber mop refills seasonally and always stocking up on extras.

*Removes over 99% of E. coli and Staph. aureus from pre-finished hardwood flooring and ceramic tile using tap water, as tested at an independent accredited lab.
RinseClean™ Spin Mop System
ProMist® MAX Microfiber Spray Mop
Crisp Citrus O-Cedar PACS
Crisp Citrus O-Cedar® PACS
Lavender O-Cedar PACS
Lavender O-Cedar® PACS
a brand of FREUDENBERG